
Wednesday 7 December 2011

Mine Craft

Hello welcome to my mine craft help page.

Hi i am going to be teaching step by step how to survive and thrive in mine


Step one is surviving the first night in mine craft to do this you will need a few items.

You will need wood and coal you will need theses items to make torches you need sticks.

sticks can be made from wood.

Step two build a shelter to survive the night dirt is not the best material to use so if you build a house out of dirt make sure Ur underground but remember mobs can spawn in
Darkness. This is know as A Creeper don't let it get to close cause you got about
3-5 seconds before it blows up.

Step Three your going to want to make A bed because a bed is know as Ur new spawn point if you don't do this when you die you go back to the original spawn and that's no fun.Two things your going to need wool,wood planks here is a picture on how to make the bed.

Step four fishing and finding resources.
to make a fishing pole you will need two string and three sticks.
string can be found in caves there called cobwebs also spiders have string you can kill them for it but be careful. once you have your fishing rod ready simply cast when you see a tug on Ur line left click.
fish is not the best for healing pork is the best if you need to heal but make sure you cook it or it will only give you like one and a half health.

Step five finding diamond,gold,iron. iron is found in caves a lot its not that hard to find gold and diamond on the other hand are much harder to find there much deeper in the ground diamond is found at almost the bottom of mine craft if you dig deep enough and look you might just find a few blocks of diamond note that diamond is the hardest resources to find in the game .

So there are my five steps to survive and thrive in mine craft. I hope they where helpful
if you need more help visit this youtube channel it helped me.
skeleton MOB

A skeleton is a fairly fast-paced enemy that will shoot arrows at the player and any mobs that attacks it. Like zombies, skeletons spawn in dimly lit areas, and will burn in daylight (when the sun is 15 degrees or greater above the ground) unless they are swimming in water or are standing in the shade.
For example, underneath a tree, outcropping of a mountain or player-built structure.The presence of a skeleton is identifiable by the soft rattling sound of its bones. It will walk and jump around aimlessly until it spots the player. At that point, it will start firing arrows in the player's direction with moderate accuracy, aiming at head level when it is at full health and at torso level when injured.
When approaching a target, a skeleton will strafe to its right and bunny-hop, making itself more difficult to hit. However, these tendencies often get skeletons stuck in small alcoves and caves.
If a skeleton's arrow hits another hostile mob, that mob will then attack the skeleton the same way it would attack the player - creepers will detonate near the skeleton after being hit. The skeleton will continue to attack the player until it is damaged by the mob. In short, mobs will always attempt to attack the last mob (including a player) that cause damage to them. Skeletons will also attack the last mob they hit with an arrow, as in, if a skeleton shot another skeleton, both skeletons will attack the other, not just one. If the player intervenes, however, they will both attack the player.


A zombie is a hostile mob with green skin and clothes that closely resembles the player. A zombie measures 2 blocks tall, 1 block wide, and 0.25 blocks thick. Zombies spawn in dimly lit areas and attack players by shambling towards them and touching them. A zombie, along with skeletons will catch on fire when in sunlight
A zombie emerging from a dark cave.
Zombies moan when wandering around aimlessly, but snarl and gurgle when attacking and injured. Zombies spawn in groups of 2 - 6 and will pursue the player on sight, making no attempt to avoid cliffs or other obstacles, which they will try to breach by hopping. Unlike skeletons, zombies do not try to avoid being hit, and will continue to pursue the player.
At dawn (when the Sun is 15 degrees or more above the ground), zombies will catch on fire and burn. However, if they are in a body of water when this time comes, they will not be burned, as the water will douse the flames. If they exit the water and the conditions for them burning still are true, then they will catch on fire, although if they are in enough shade (under a tree, cave, etc.), they will not catch fire.
Zombies are one of the easiest enemies to deal with and don't pose much of a threat unless encountered in a narrow space or in large groups. A player on sufficiently high ground can repeatedly hit a zombie again and again as it approaches. If the player is being pursued by several zombies, they can use a sword to push them back with each hit, alternating targets so no single zombie can close in. If a player is in a small room with several zombies with no escape route, it is recommended to use blocking and slashing at the zombies to half damage and slowly kill the zombies.
As of Beta 1.9 Pre-release 5 Zombies, Zombie Pigmen, and Skeletons can be damaged by Splash Potions of healing and/or regeneration.

Zombie Pig man
Zombie Pig man
A Zombie Pigman is an irregular mob that spawns naturally in the Nether and appears in the Overworld when a pig is struck by lightning, which is a very rare occurrence. Like wild wolves, zombie pig men are not initially hostile, but they will converge on the mob or player as a group to attack them if a single member is attacked.
Zombie pigmen roam the Nether in packs of 4 - 10 and make grunting and squealing noises, avoiding cliffs and Ghasts. Attacking one zombie pigman will cause the entire group to turn hostile and swarm the player. Pushing a Zombie Pigman off a cliff will not cause response. An aggravated group of pigmen is a force to be reckoned with, as each member will deal of damage to the player per sword hit and a player cannot outrun zombie pigmen without sprinting or accessing a location which they cannot jump up to or strike the player with their Sword. This though does not prove efficient, as the pig men will crowd around and try to get at the player. It is though possible to kill them with a Bow and Arrows or a Sword from this location without being hurt.
If the player distances themselves from the hostile group, waits in a safe location, or enters a portal and returns, the zombie pigmen will eventually "forgive" the player and become neutral again. Switching the difficulty to Peaceful will cause them to de-spawn completely and reset their neutrality in other difficulties.
Zombie pigmen are effectively capable of drowning if under water for an extended period of time. When swimming in lava, they collect theoretical vertical momentum, and upon contact with a solid floor, sustain fall damage. This has often lead to the misconception that they can drown in lava. When walking in the Overworld, Zombie Pigmen will spontaneously combust at random times; Fire will engulf them for a split second, but then disappear without appearing to cause them any harm. The brief flicker of flames will also occur if it is struck by lightning a second time.
Before 1.0, Zombie Pigmen occasionally dropped 0-1 Cooked Porkchop, but now it drops 0-1 Rotten Flesh and 0-1 Gold Nugget.


This article is about the regular, non-poisonous, black spider. For the venomous, blue spider found in abandoned mine shafts, see Cave Spider. For the Spider being ridden by a Skeleton, see Spider Jockey.
The spider is a mob that is neutral in sufficient light levels and hostile towards the player at night and in dark, shadowy areas. A spider measures 2 x 2 x 1 blocks, with very dark brown coloring and red eyes that glow eerily in the dark. Because of their dimensions, spiders cannot enter 1-block wide spaces that zombies, skeletons, and creepers can, but it can crawl into 1-block high gaps (as long as they are 2 or more blocks wide). Spiders' distinctive hissing noises can alert a player to their presence - creepers make a similar, much shorter noise when damaged. Spiders are easier to hit with arrows due to their size, but can quickly catch up to the player with their leaping (they can cover 2 - 3 blocks in a bound) and wall-climbing abilities. Spiders will often jump around when attacking, making them a moving target and harder to hit. When hunting, spiders move at a pace slightly slower than the player's walking speed. Unlike zombies and skeletons, spiders will not catch fire in daylight.
There is a 1% chance that a spider will spawn with a skeleton on its back, forming the dreaded Spider Jockey. The skeleton's ability to fire arrows combined with the speed, leaping, and wall-climbing of the spider makes this a very dangerous opponent.
In the 1.8 update, there is a new, superior, blue variety called Cave Spiders which spawn in Abandoned Mine Shafts and are able to poison their targets


Spiders are hostile so long as the light level immediately around them is 9 or less. If they are found in an area with a higher light level, they won't attack unless a player attacks first. Hostile spiders will continue to chase the player even if they are exposed to daytime or other well-lit locations. Conversely, a spider won't become hostile around a player when roaming in daylight, but if it wanders into a moderately shaded area (i.e. under a tree or rocky overhang) it will turn hostile and remain that way. If a spider sustains damage from a source other than the player, such as falling, its hostility will be reset, so that if it is in a well-lit area, it will not be hostile towards the player.
Spiders can draw line of sight through solid objects, so they will pursue the player even when completely cut off from them, so long as they are within the standard aggressive mob's 16 block search radius. The spider will then approach as close as possible and ambush the player even if it subsequently becomes light. Spiders on the surface can also track a player in a cave or tunnel if there is a clear path above the player they can follow and vice versa.
Spiders can climb up over walls and other obstacles as if all blocks had ladders on them. However spiders are careless climbers and will often fall off other blocks, (taking fall damage,) while in pursuit of the player. Spiders cannot climb soul sand covered with vines.


Since they can pounce and move almost as fast as the player can when hunting at night or aggravated, spiders should never be underestimated. As the only naturally occurring source of string apart from dungeon chests and cobwebs in abandoned mine shafts, preparation and effort can pay off when hunting them. Wearing armor and carrying a stone or iron sword or bow is recommended. A bow is the preferred weapon, as arrows can damage a spider at a safe distance and spiders present a large and visible target due to their size and glowing eyes. When attacking a group of spiders, pick off the ones that aren't too close to others in order to avoid aggravating several at once.
Alternatively, the player can dig a narrow trench with a depth of 2 blocks in order to be able to attack spiders safely from underneath, trapping them above the gap. This strategy has mixed results, as some players have reported spiders waiting for them to exit the trench before pouncing, a behavior possibly caused by the AI that makes the spider loose track of the player after a number of unsuccessful attacks and therefore become neutral until the "target" is visible. Players should also keep in mind that trench warfare leaves them vulnerable to narrower mobs (skeletons, zombies, and especially creepers) in the vicinity.

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